Greetings Citizens of Treasure Falls!
Here is the setup information for the second quest in The Trials of Tolk the Wise Adventure Campaign for The Quest Kids - The Quest to Stop TIME!
In addition to the video resource above, I have provided the setup information found on page 10 & 11 of the Quest Guide below:
Don’t spoil the fun! Try not to look at the back of any of the Quest Dungeon Tiles.
Remove the following Dungeon Tiles from the Base Game Dungeon Tile Deck:
All Quest 1 Dungeon Tiles
All of the Tolk Gem Tiles (5 total cards) except for the PURPLE Tolk Gem of POWER.
The SAGE Bad Guy Tile
Take the SIX Quest 2 Dungeon Tiles beneath the Quest 2 Quest Prep Card and place them on the board in the locations shown below (map coming soon).
Shuffle the remaining Base Game Dungeon Tiles and populate the cave like usual (gray/green tiles in the left four rooms & red tiles in the right 3 rooms).
Players must explore the GOLDEN GEAR Dungeon Tile before the end of the third round of player turns.
Once the TIME Machine is discovered, place any Tolk Gems found during Quest 1 on the appropriate slot. Any Tolk Gems found in the future should also be placed on the TIME Machine.
Read CAMPAIGN CARD 9 to the group (if you'd like a reminder on what happened at the end of the last adventure). Now enter the cave and begin your Quest!
Spoilers for this quest below.
Question regarding the movement of the TIME crew. Are they allowed to move into unexplored dungeon tiles? What happens if a Quest Kid moves into such a tile, do they attempt to scare away the TIME crew bad guy and also explore the dungeon tile?